About Us
Mission: A Consulting Agency based in Washington D.C. that provides a foundation for the development and creative direction of new brands.
Our Focus: We have a direct focus on creative imagery, production and public relations. We directly assist with business to business relationships. We help craft your brand and connect you with investors and business opportunities specific to your branding needs.
Who we serve: We work with models, clothing brands, photographers, stylists, fashion schools, and any company or brand alike who wants to be apart of the conversation and become known for their creative contributions to the fashion industry.
Experience: Our staff has over 10 years of experience consulting and supporting creative brands alike. Our creative direction endures the ever-changing artistic industry and allows you to meet and exceed expectations for your brand during the growing process of your business. Our agents give support and guidance with all your needs for you to show the world your talents. We have partnerships within your demographic and would love to assist with creating art together. With a keen eye for creativity; Kodom Style is behind many successful production projects, aspiring models, designers, artists and more. We want to partner with brands just like you.
Outreach: What makes our company unique is partial proceeds go to Young Mothers, Inc., a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate, mentor, nurture and support young mothers.